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The BB700 Series of Blackbody Calibrators are high performance, rugged, portable calibrators
for infrared pyrometers. The BB702 has a range of 90 to 420°F. The BB701 Hot/Cold model has a
range of -4 to 300°F. The BB701's ability to provide a stable, repeatable cold calibration point
allows the user to calibrate or test most infrared pyrometers quickly and accurately without
having to prepare an ice bath. Both models come with an RS232 computer interface which allows
computer control of the set points for automatic test applications. An NIST traceable calibration
is also provided.
To Order (Specify Model Number) | |||
Model No. | Price | Description | |
BB701 | $2995 | Blackbody calibration source. Range: -4°F to 300°F | |
BB702 | 1995 | Blackbody calibration source. Range: 90°F to 420°F |